Bir Shalatein
90 Km (56 miles) south of Berenice
How to get there:
From outside Egypt
Some international flights now go to Hurghada, otherwise fly direct to Cairo then either take an internal flight (see below) or go overland by bus or by car. Contact your travel agent for details.
From Cairo
You may like to book a tour through a travel agent or hire your own transport. Bear in mind that desert driving has special requirements and be sure to get a suitable vehicle and guidance on possible hazards. 0therwise you can travel to each location by bus or service taxi and arrange trips from there.
Service taxis or buses (including Superjets) from Ahmed Helmi terminal, near Ramses Station or from abdel Mounim Riyad terminal, near the Ramses Hilton
By air
The following airlines fly to Hurghada. Tel: +20-2-5750600 (Cairo)
Sinai Air Company. Tel: +20-2-776893/760948 (Nile Hilton Hotel)
ZAS Tel: +20-2-2918030 (Novotel, Cairo)
Bir Shalatein:
Buses, service taxis or tours from Hurghada. You will need a special permit to visit Bir Shalatein, check at the Frontiers Administration office in Cairo.
Bir Shalatein is a small village located on the Egyptian border with the Sudan. It was one a major seaport but is no longer. There are great dive sites in the area which mostly must be booked from dive charters further north. Few people visit the area, probably due to the need for permits which must usually be arranged well in advance. This is a very quite and remote Red Sea destination.
Last Updated: June 27th, 2011