A History of Christianity in Egypt
Links for Further Learning
It would be impossible to include every iota of information on Egyptian Christianity, and thus I am including a variety of further resources, from Internet links to excellent books on the subject for you. If you are interested in learning more about Christianity in Egypt, please peruse some of these sources. I am indebted to many of these for the information they provided as I was creating these pages.
Internet Links
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society
Badawy, Alexander. Coptic Art and Archaeology: the Art of the Christian Egyptians from the Late Antique to the Middle Ages. Cambridge, MIT Press: 1978.
Finn, Thomas Macy. Early Christian Baptism and the Catechumenate. Collegeville, Liturgical Press: 1992.
Hardy, Edward Rochie. Christian Egypt: Church and People. New York, Oxford University Press: 1952.
McManners, John; Ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity. New York, Oxford University Press: 1992.
Rousseau, Philip. Pachomius: the Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt. Berkeley, University of California Press: 1985.