Statue of Pakhnum
JE 37456 Cairo Antiquities Museum Material: Schist
Size: Height: 22 cm
Location: Karnak, Temple of Amun-Re, Courtyard of the Cachette
Excavation: G. Legrain's Excavations of 1904
Period: Ptolemaic Period (3rd - 2nd Century BC The lower part of the legs of this statue are missing, though the subject is portrayed in a striding pose. He has a completely shaved head and the highly stylized facial features allow the sculpture to be dated to the early Ptolemaic Period. Pakhnum wears a long robe with a strap over the left shoulder. The kilt is loose and reminiscent of those in vogue
during the Middle Kingdom. He holds in his arms a figure of Osiris.
Photographer: Unknown
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