EgyptPicture - Diadem with Serapis

Diadem with Serapis

JE 98535 Cairo Antiquities Museum

Material: Beaten Gold
Diadem Size: Height (at front):3.3 cm; Diameter: 22 cm
Plaque Size: Height 12.5 cm; Width: 8.5
Location: Dush
Period: Roman Period, Reign of Hadrian (117-138 AD)

This circle of beaten gold is closed with a serpent-headed hook. It consists of various decorative elements, including the central plaque of Serapis seated on a throne within a naos. The naos is made from six separate parts. At the bottom there is a plinth in the form of a rectangular base, and flanking Serapis are two fluted columns made of sheets of rolled and riveted metal. The Corinthian capitals of these columns are surmounted by a tiny representations of Isis.

Diadem with Serapis

Photographer: Unknown

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