Egypt Picture - Pectoral of Sheshonq II with Winged Scarab

Pectoral of Sheshonq II with Winged Scarab

JE 72170 Cairo Antiquities Museum

Material: Gold, Semiprecious Stones, Glass Past
Size: Height 15.6 cm; Length of the Chain 75 cm
Location: Tanis, Tomb of Psusennes I, Burial Chamber of Sheshonq II
Excavation: P. Montet's Excavations of 1940
Period: 22nd Dynasty, Reign of Sheshonq II (c. 883 BC

This gold pectoral with inlays of glass paste and multicolored stones was found around the neck of the mummy of Sheshonq II, who prior to this excavation was an unknown pharaoh. The gold plate that forms the pectoral has an oval hole in the center to hold the large scarab made from a green stone.

Pectoral of Sheshonq II with Winged Scarab

Photographer: Unknown

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