Icon of Virgin and Child
Christine Osborne
Icon of Virgin and Child
Pictured is an icon of the Virgin and Child from the church of St. Sergius, associated with the Flight into Egypt. Built in the fourth or fifth century, St. Sergius is one of the oldest churches in Cairo and traditionally stands on the place where the Holy Family rested during the Flight into Egypt. A round stone font in the south aisle of the crypt chapel marks the exact spot, and the event is commemorated annually on June 1. The church is dedicated to Sergius and Bacchus, two soldiers in the Roman army said to have been put to death in the third century for refusing to take part in sacrifices to Jupiter. The wood and ivory iconostasis is also decorated with panels of ebony inlaid with ivory crosses, above which is a row of icons depicting the 12 Apostles and the Virgin Mary. The Nativity and the Last Supper, together with three warrior saints, are portrayed on either side on the sanctuary door.
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