Egypt Picture - Shabti of Huy with Model Coffin

Shabti of Huy with Model Coffin

JE 88902 Cairo Antiquity Museum

Material: Polychrome Faience
Mummy: Size: Height 14 cm; Width: 4.8 cm Depth: 3 cm
Lid: Size: Height 17.5 cm; Width: 6.5 cm Depth: 5 cm
Bottom: Height 17 cm; Width: 6.5 cm Depth: 4 cm
Location: Abydos, acquired in 1950
Period: 18th Dynasty reign of Amenhotep III (1390-1352 BC)

Huy was a scribe of Amenhotep III, and this is part of a small group of polychrome faience created with excellent workmanship. The shabti is mummiform and is shrouded in white, with arms crossed in an Osirian pose. It holds a red tyet-knot in its left hand and a djed-pillar in the right. The face is wonderfully detailed, with inlaid eyebrows, cosmetic lines and pupils.

Shabti of Huy with Model Coffin

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