Egypt Picture - Unguent Container of Siamun

Unguent Container of Siamun

JE 31382 Cairo Antiquity Museum

Material: Ivory and Painted Wood
Size: Height 14 cm
Location: Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Tomb of Hatiay
Excavation: G. Daressy's Excavations of 1896
Period: 18th Dynasty reign of Amenhotep IV - Akhenaten (1353-1335 BC)

This unguent container was found in the small tomb of Hatiay, who was a scribe and superintendent of the grain store of the temple of Aten. The object is fixed to a simple rectangular base. The vase itself is a replica in miniature of one of the Syrian amphorae that were imported to Egypt during Hatiay's time. It is richly decorated in black on a red background.

Unguent Container of Siamun

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