Making this cushion could not be simpler as it requires no sewing at all, just a safety pin!. The lace is fine enough to allow the rose petal scent to permeate into a clothes drawer or through a pile of pillows on a bed. From time to time a little essential oil or potpourri refreshing perfume will be needed to refresh the petals. Tiny sachets can also be made from circles of the thinnest muslin or by using lace handkerchiefs. Make a small pile of potpourri in the center of the fabric, crushing or tearing some of the larger petals or rose heads. Gather the fabric together and tie securely with a fine ribbon. Small silk or fabric rose-buds or flowers may then be sewn or glued to the neck of the bag. If you are making a present of some fine linen or lingerie, the addition of two or three rose sachets makes more of your gift.
1 - Fold the fabric in half and pin the edges together. Make small cuts through both pieces of fabric 2 cm / in from the edge and at small intervals all the way round. |
2 - Attaching one end of both pieces of ribbon to the safety pin, thread it through the holes, leaving a small gap on one side of the cushion for filling with potpourri. |
3 - Fill the cushion with rose-scented potpourri through the small opening. Crush or tear the larger petals or rose-heads to fit through the small opening. |
4 - When the cushion is filled, continue threading the ribbon, cut to length and tie in a bow. If you pull the ribbon tight, you can give the hem a ruched effect. |
"lace or fine synthetic lace curtain fabric, 25 x 25 cm/10 x 10 in pins 90 cm/l yd each of" "Two colors of thin silk ribbon safety pin sharp scissors rose-scented potpourri". Scented sachets may be made from lace handkerchiefs that are simply tied up with a piece of ribbon
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Last Updated: June 13th, 2011