Luxor / Thebes / Karnak Pharaonic Monuments General Areas
Akhenaten, Tiy (Tiye) or Smenkhkare?, Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV55)
Hatshepsut-Meryetre, Tomb of (though not used) - Valley of the Kings - KV42
Inherkhau, Tomb of Foreman - Deir el Medina Necropolis (TT359)
Ramesses II (Ramesses the Great), Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV7)
Ramesses-Mentuherkhepshef, Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV19)
Sennedjem, Private Tomb of - Deir el Medina Necropolis (TT1)
Seti II, The King and His Tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV15)
Siptah, the King and his Tomb in the Valley of the Kings (KV47)
Tutankhamen (King Tut), Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV54)
Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut, Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV20)
Userhat, Private Tomb of - Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (TT51)
Userhat, Private Tomb of - Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (TT56) -
Yuya and Tjuyu, Private Tomb of - Valley of the Kings (KV46)
Temples and Chapels
Other Temples on the West Bank at Thebes, Part I
Temples belonging to Amenhotep I, Amenhotep II, Siptah, the Colonnaded Temple of Ramesses IV, the Ramessid Temple, the Chapel of the White Queen and the private temple of Nebwenenef
Other Temples on the West Bank at Thebes, Part II - Temples of Ramesses IV (mortuary), Amenophis son of Hapu, Tuthmosis II, and the North and South temples at Nag Kom Lolah
Other Temples of the West Bank at Thebes, Part III: The Temples at Deir el-Medina - Temple of Amenhotep I, the Hathor Chapel of Seti I, the Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor, and a small Temple of Amun.
Other Temples of the West Bank at Thebes, Part IV - Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III, and the temples of Tuya and Nefertari, Tuthmosis IV, Wadjmose and Siptah and Tausert
Tuthmosis III, Temple of Amun at Deir el-Bahari - West Bank, Luxor
White Chapel of Senusret I, The - East Bank in the Open Air Museum, Luxor