The Tutankhamun Collection / Jewelry and Ornamentation

The Virtual Egyptian Antiquity Museum
Tutankhamun's bracelets, but possible anklets Tutankhamun's Ivory ring inlaid with bronze or copper Tutankhamun's openwork gold buckle showing Tutankhamun in a chariot Tutankhamun's pendant with sun god theme
Bracelets, Possibly Anklets Ivory and Stone Bracelets Openwork Gold Buckle Pendant Depicting the Solar Beetle Flanked by Baboons
Tutankhamun's gold pendant with various deities Tutankhamun's bracelet with scarabs and Netjer-ankh holding the symbols of infinity Composite Udjat Eye Pectoral Tutankhamun's vulture pendant
Gold Pendant with Various Deities Bracelet with Scarabs and Netjer-ankh Holding the Symbols of Infinity Composite Udjat Eye Pectoral Vulture Pendant
Tutankhamun's pectoral of kheper scarab Human-headed Winged Cobra Tutankhamun's gold bangle with openwork scarab Pectoral with Solar and Lunar Emblems
Pectoral of Kheper Scarab Human-headed
Winged Cobra
Gold Bangle with Openwork Scarab Pectoral with Solar and Lunar Emblems
Tutankhamun's gold cloisonne earrings Tutankhamun's necklace with gold pendant Tutankhamun's necklace with scarab with falcon wings holding infinity symbol Tutankhamun's scarab bracelet
Gold Cloisonne Earrings Necklace with Lunar Pectoral Necklace with Scarab
with Falcon Wings
Scarab Bracelet
Tutankhamun's earrings of unknown material Tutankhamun's chased Gold Falcon Collar Tutankhamun's bracelet with carnelian udjat Tutankhamun's gold falcon pendant
Earrings of
Unknown material
Chased Gold Falcon Collar Bracelet with
Carnelian Udjat
Gold Falcon Pendant
