When you have only a few berries to hand, combine them with other summer fruits to make a colorful, refreshing fruit salad. Serve it simply with cream or ice cream, or drizzle with a vibrant mango sauce.
Serves 6
1 large ripe mango, peeled, stoned
and chopped rind of 1 unwaxed orange
juice of 3 oranges caster sugar, to taste
2 peaches
2 nectarines, 1 small mango, peeled
2 plums, 1 pear or small melon
juice of 1 lemon
25-5Og/l-2oz/2 heaped tbsp wild
strawberries (optional)
25-50g/l-2oz/2 heaped tbsp
raspberries 25-50g/l-20z/2 heaped tbsp blueberries
small mint sprigs to decorate
In a food processor fitted with the metal blade, process the large mango until smooth. Add the orange rind, juice and sugar to taste and process again until very smooth. Press through a sieve into a bowl and chill the sauce.

Peel the peaches, if liked, then slice and stone the peaches, nectarines, small mango and plums. Quarter the pear and remove the core and seeds, or, if using, slice the melon thinly and remove the peel.
Place the sliced fruits on a large plate, sprinkle the fruits with the lemon juice and chill, covered with clear film, for up to 3 hours before serving. (Some fruits may discolor if cut too far ahead of time.)

To serve, arrange the sliced fruits on serving plates, spoon the berries on top, drizzle with a little mango sauce and decorate with mint sprigs. Serve the remaining sauce separately.
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Last Updated: June 13th, 2011 |