Egypt Pictures - Art and Artifacts Page 9: Cairo Antiquity Museum Series - Through the New Kingdom, Part III

Art and Artifacts Page 9
Through the New Kingdom, Part III


The Queen of Punt

Upper Part of Colossal Statue of Amenhotep IV

Tile with Asiatic and Libyan Figures


The Queen of Punt

Upper Part of Colossal Statue of Amenhotep IV

Tile with Asiatic and Libyan Figures

Statuette of Ibentina

Sculptor's Trial with Two Royal Portraits

Statue of Amenhotep II

Tutankhamun's Bed

Statuette of Ibentina

Sculptor's Trial with Two Royal Portraits

Statue of Amenhotep II

Tutankhamun's Bed

Seated Statue of Isis, Mother of Tuthmosis III

Fragment of a Statue of Meritamun

Statue of Senenmut with Neferure

Necklace with Pectoral Wedjat Eye

Seated Statue of Isis, Mother of Tuthmosis III

Fragment of a Statue of Meritamun

Statue of Senenmut with Neferure

Necklace with Pectoral Wedjat Eye

Head of a Princess

The Israel Stela

Necklace with Pectoral Solar Boat

Door of the Tomb of Sennedjem

Head of a Princess

The Israel Stela

Necklace with Pectoral Solar Boat

Door of the Tomb of Sennedjem

Head of Queen Hatshepsut

Hathor Chapel

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

King Amenhotep III

Head of Queen Hatshepsut

Hathor Chapel

Akhenaten and Nefertiti

King Amenhotep III

The Spell for the Admission of the Dead to Abydos

Ramesses II at the Siege of Dharpur

Satirical Papyrus

The Spell for the Admission of the Dead to Abydos

Ramesses II at the Siege of Dharpur

Satirical Papyrus

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