Art and Artifacts Page 9
Through the New Kingdom, Part III
Papyrus |
The Queen of Punt |
Upper Part of Colossal Statue of Amenhotep IV |
Tile with Asiatic and Libyan Figures |
Statuette of Ibentina |
Sculptor's Trial with Two Royal Portraits |
Statue of Amenhotep II |
Tutankhamun's Bed |
Seated Statue of Isis, Mother of Tuthmosis III |
Fragment of a Statue of Meritamun |
Statue of Senenmut with Neferure |
Necklace with Pectoral Wedjat Eye |
Head of a Princess |
The Israel Stela |
Necklace with Pectoral Solar Boat |
Door of the Tomb of Sennedjem |
Head of Queen Hatshepsut |
Hathor Chapel |
Akhenaten and Nefertiti |
King Amenhotep III |
The Spell for the Admission of the Dead to Abydos |
Ramesses II at the Siege of Dharpur |
Satirical Papyrus |
Note: If you have a picture you would like featured, please email to with "Egypt Picture of the Day" in subject line.