Egypt Picture - Art and Artifacts After the New Kingdom

Art and Artifacts Page 10

After the New Kingdom

The Patera of the Swimmers

Funerary Mask of Amenemope

Ornamental Glass Vase

Mirror with Case

The Patera of the Swimmers

Funerary Mask of Amenemope

Ornamental Glass Vase

Mirror with Case

Right Bracelet of Psusennes I

Falcon-Headed Crocodile

Bead Net and Gold Mask of Hekaemsaef

Pendant in the form of a Hathoric Head

Right Bracelet of Psusennes I

Falcon-Headed Crocodile

Bead Net and Gold Mask of Hekaemsaef

Pendant in the form of a Hathoric Head

Double Snake Coffin

Wedjat Eye Plaque

Canopic Jars of Prince Hornakht

Gold Pectoral with Solar Boat

Double Snake Coffin

Wedjat Eye Plaque

Canopic Jars of Prince Hornakht

Gold Pectoral with Solar Boat


< Bronze Cat

< Sarcophagus of Nitrocris

Funerary Mask of Wenudjebauendjed


Bronze Cat

Sarcophagus of Nitrocris

Funerary Mask of Wenudjebauendjed

Pectoral of Sheshonq II

Osiris Resurrecting

Statuette of Nefertem

Winged Goddess

Pectoral of Sheshonq II

Osiris Resurrecting

Statuette of Nefertem

Winged Goddess

Limestone Townhouse Model

Thoth and Maat

Coptic Tapestry

Cobra wearing the Red Crown

Limestone Townhouse Model

Thoth and Maat

Coptic Tapestry

Cobra wearing the Red Crown


Wooden Toys


Wooden Toys

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