Egypt: Press Release - Rally of the Pharaohs

Press Release
Egypts Minister of Tourism

Rally of the Pharaohs

October 2-12, 1997

June 17, 1997

The 15th tournament of the Rally of the Pharaohs will be held between October 2-12, 1997 in the Western Desert in Egypt. For the first time, the Cannonball race will be taking place during the tournament. Four hundred contestants will be participating with 130 cars and trucks, 70 motorcycles, 10 ultralight planes and 3 helicopters. Fifty-seven TV channels representing different parts of the world will cover this exciting event via satellite transmissions. Contestants are expected to cross 4,000 kms. in the Western Desert including Siwa Oasis and the pyramids of Giza, Dahshur and Sakkara.

Medical care and technical assistance will be provided throughout the duration of the rally. Due to the coincidence of the rally with the performance of "Aida" in Egypt, special tourist packages will be offered between October 12-14 to enable contestants to visit Luxor and attend the opera.

Dr. Mamdouh El Beltagui, Egypt's Minister of Tourism stated that the rally not only promotes Egypt as an important destination, but also serves as a strong marketing tool luring visitors to visit Egypt as a unique destination and incentive travel. Thirty members of an incentive travel group will attend the rally.