Art and Artifacts Page 11
After the New Kingdom (Continued)
Necklace of Psusennes I |
Cippus with Horus on the Crocodiles |
Statue of the Goddess Taweret |
Bock Statue of Hor, Son of Ankhkhonsu |
Statue of Ptah |
Statue of the Scribe Nespaqashuty |
Coffin of Maatkare |
Anklet of Psusennes I |
Canopic Jar |
Catafalque Cover of Asetemakhbyt |
The Book of the Dead of Pinudjem I |
Basin of Psusennes I |
Male Head in Basalt |
Portrait of Severus Alexander |
Two-Handled Vase |
Cup of Undjebauendjed |
Bracelet of Sheshonq II |
Stela of Djedamuniuniankh |
Female Funerary Mask |
Ewer of Psusennes I |
Relief of Isis and Harpocrates |
Bronze Mirror |
Winged Scarab |
Statue of Psamteksaneith |
Statue of Pakhnum |
Decorated Vase |
Statue of Petamenhotep as a Scribe |
Seated Statue of Petamenhotep |
Satyr with a Wineskin |
Diadem with Serapis |
Portrait-Bust of a Female Figure |
Coffin of Djedhoriufankh |
Pendant in the Form of a Falcon |
Pectoral of Sheshonq II |
Statue of the Vizier Hor |
Seated Statue of Petamenhotep |