Egypt Picture - Miscellaneous Pictures

Miscellaneous Pictures

Moon-Jupiter Conjunction

Crossing the Desert

Star Trails Above Hurghada

Statue of Prometheus

Moon-Jupiter Conjunction

Crossing the Desert

Star Trails

Above Hurghada

Statue of Prometheus

Planets Above Lighthouse

Curious Goat

Venus Through the Trees

Vacation at Alamein Beach

Planets Above Lighthouse

Curious Goat

Venus Through the Trees

Vacation at Alamein Beach

Golf Tournament

Two Planets and Two Pyramids

Red Planet and Trees

Two Planets and Two Monarchs

Golf Tournament

Two Planets and Two Pyramids

Red Planet and Trees

Two Planets and Two Monarchs

Red Planet and Red Date

Red Planet and Red Flowers

Mars Over Arabian Landscape

Sunset Mirage

Red Planet and Red Date

Red Planet and Red Flowers

Mars Over Arabian Landscape

Sunset Mirage

Two Planets and King Tut

Restaurant in Shakshuk, Fayoum

Egyptian Fast Food

Lake at El Fayoum

Two Planets and King Tut

Restaurant in Shakshuk, Fayoum

Egyptian Fast Food

Lake at El Fayoum

Tel el Armana

Palms and Cotton Fields

Workmen on Scaffolding

King and Queen

Tel el Armana

Palms and Cotton Fields

Workmen on Scaffolding

King and Queen

Sand Dunes

Glide To the Moon

Sugar Cane Farmers

Al Fishawi

Sand Dunes

Glide To the Moon

Sugar Cane Farmers

Al Fishawi

Tour Guide

The Ripple

Asir Burtuqal

Coins of Cleopatra & Mark Antony

Tour Guide

The Ripple

Asir Burtuqal

Coins of Cleopatra & Mark Antony

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