Egypt: Travel Tips - English Arabic Translations with Audio

Egyptian (Arabic) words and Phrases

See Also:

Our Feature Story on the Arabic Language


Yes: naam, aywa .
No: la
Perhaps: yemken
Possibly: mumken
Impossible: mesh mumken
Necessary: daruri
Please: men fadlak (m.) men fadlik (f.)
Thank you: shukran
Your Welcome Ahlan beka
Sorry/Excuse Me: assef
Good Morning: sabah el-kheir
Good Evening: masa el-kheir
Good Night tesbah ala kheir
Welcome: Marhaba
e: salam (peace)
My Name Is: esmi
My Name is Jena
Ana esmi Jena
What Is Your Name?: esmak eh? or Ma Esmok?
How Are You?: ez zayyak? (masc) ez zayyek? (fem)
Nice to Meet You Saadot belkak
Today: en-nahar da
Tomorrow: bukra
Yesterday: imbarih
I Speak English: ana batkallem englizi
I Don't Speak Arabic?: ma-batkallamsh `arabi?
I Don't Understand: ana mish fahem
Do You Speak English?: int betetkalem inglizi?
Can You Help Me?: mumken tsaa'dni?
Information: istiilaamaat
What Time Is It?: el-saa kam?


I Love You: Ana ohebak


Do you have children?Hal ladyek atfal?
Do you have a wife? Hal anta motazaweg?
Do you have a husband? Hal anty motazawega?
What is your address: Ma enwanak?
What is your Phone Number Please? Momken an toateny raqam telefonak?
Where did you go to School?Ayn zahabt ela almadrasa?
How old are you? Kam Omrak?
Where do you work? Ayn Taamal?
Where does your family live? Ayn Taskon Aelatak?


Monday: el-etnein
Tuesday: el-talat
Wednesday: el-arbaa
Thursday: el-khamees
Friday: el-gumaa
Saturday: el-sabt
Sunday: el-had


January: yanayer
February: febrayer
March: mares
April: abryl
May: mayu
June: yunya
July: yulyo
August: aghustus
September: september
October: octeber
November: november
December: december


Winter: sheta
Fall: kharif
Spring: rabiea
Summer: sseif


One: wahed
Two: etnein
Three: talata
Four: arbaa
Five: khamsa
Six: sitta
Seven: sabaa
Eight: tamania
Nine: tesaa
Ten: ashaara
Fifty: khamsin
One Hundred: mia
Five Hundred: khams mia
One Thousand: alf


Airplane: tayara
Airport: mattar
Bus: auto beas
: tazkara
Change: sarf or taghieer
Customs: gumruk
Station: mahatta
Porter: shaial or hammal
Train: atre or kittar
Suitcase: shanta
Departure: zehab
Arrival: wussul
Delay: taakhear
Travel Agent: wikalat safar
Bus Station: mehatet el-outobees
When Does The....Arrive?: emta wussul
When Does The...Leave?: emta qiyam...
I Want To Go To...: Ayez arrouh ella...
Stop Here Please: wakeff hena men fadlak
Can I take your picture?: Hal yomken an akhoz lak sora?
Would you take my picture?: Hal toheb an takhoz soraty?
Can You Wait For Me?
: mumkin tantazirni?
Can you get me a taxi? Hal yomken an tohder lee taxi
Wait: intazir
I need a tourist policeman: Oreed ragol shorted al seyaha
I need a ticket please: Menfadlak aoreed tazkara
Where is a photo shop?: Ayn yogad studio el tasweer?
Where Can I buy Film?: Men ayen yomken le an ashtary film?
Can I smoke here?: Hal youmken le an odakhen hona?
I must leave tomorrow: La bod an arhal ghadan


Where are your restrooms (WC)? Ayn dawret al meyah?
Where Is...?
: fein....?
Is It Near?: hal qarieb?
Is It Far?: hal baied?
(On The)Left: shmal
(On The)Right: yamin
Above: fuq
Below: taht
In Front Of/Outside: uddam
Behind: wara
Here: hena
Over There: henak
Before: abl
After: baa'd
South: janub
North: shamal
East: sharq
West: gharb
Street: shari'
Village: qaria
Town: medina
Sea: bahr


Can you take me to this address? Hal yomken an takhozny ela haza alaonwan?
Please Take me to the Cairo Marriott HotelOreed an azhab ela fondoq Marriott al kahera
I will get my own taxi. Sawf astaqel taxi
I will get out here. Sawf akhrog men hona (to taxi driver)
Meet me at the Nile Hilton Abelny end el nil hilton
Please slow down (to Taxi or other driver) Men fadlak abte' al soraa
Go straight please Etageh lel amam
Turn left please Etageh yamenan
Turn right please Etageh yasaran
Can you wait for me here? Hal youmken an tantazerony hona?
Car: sayara
Driver: sawaq
Petrol/Gas Station: mahattet benzine
Petrol/Gas: benzine
Pump Up: nafkh
Oil: zeit
Hire: ajar/ejar
Bridge: kubri
Gate: bab
Wheel: agall
Road: tariq
Taxi: taxi


Hotel: fundoq
Room: ghorfa
Key: meftah
Bathroom: hammam
Towel: futa, manchafa
Sheet: melaya
Blanket: Ghata
I Have Reserved A Room: Ana hagazt oda
The air conditioner is not working Al takeef la yaamal
How Much Does A Room Cost?:bi kam el-oda?
When does the swimming pool open? Mata yaamal hmam el sebaha
Do you have an Internet Cafe? Hal ugad internet caf?
I need room service Ahtag lekhedmet el ghoraf
I need a wake up call. Oreed an youkezny ahad
Can someone get my luggage Hal youmken leahad an usaedny fe ehdar haqaeby?
Do I have any messages? Hal laday ay rasael?
I need maid service Oreed amelat nazafa


Restaurant: mataam
Breakfast: fetar
Lunch: ghada
Dinner: asha
Water: mayya
Mineral Water: mayya maadania
Wine: nebite
Juice: assir
Glass: kas
Plate: tabaq
Bread: aish
Butter: zebda
Olives: zeitun
Cheese: jibna
Salad: salata
Vegetables: khodar
Meat: lahma
Chicken: dajaj
Fish: samak
Dessert: helu
Fruit: fakiha
Ice-Cream: ice cream
Coffee: ahua
Coffee Without Sugar: ahua sada
Fairly Sweet: mazbut
Very Sweet: ziada
Tea: shay
Sugar: sokkar
Milk: halib
Hot: sokhn
Cold: bared
Can you recommend a restaurant? Hal youmken an torasheh mataam?
Do you have beer? Hal ugad ladaykom beera?
May I Have The Tab, Please?:momken el-he-ssab men fadlak?
I need a table for four. Oreed trabeza Larbaat ashkhas
May I have more ice, please? Hal le mazeed min al thalg?


Visit: ziara
Open: maftuh
Closed: maqfoul
Ticket Office: shubbak
Ticket: tazkara
Town: medina
Quarter: hhay
House: beit
Garden: hadiqa
Theater: masrah
Cinema: cinema
Museum: mat-hhaf
Mosque: gamea
May I Visit The Mosque?: mumken azur el-gamea?


Where Can I Telephone?: fein mumken atalfein?
Post Office: maktab el-barid
Postage Stamp: tabea bareed
Telephone: teliphune
Telegram: barqiya


Police: bolice
Fire Brigade: matafy/shurtat el-matafy
Infirmary: mashfa
Hospital: mustashfa
Pharmacy: ssaydaliya
Doctor: doctur
I'm too hot Ashaor bhar shaded
I'm feeling sick. Ahsaor bel taab
Please Call The Doctor: etlob el-tabib men fadlak


I want to pay for this. Oreed an adfaa lehaza
Can I pay in Euros? Hal yomkenny an adfaa bel Euro?
Can I Speak to your Manager? Hal yomkeny al tahadoth maa moderak?
Who is in charge? Man al Masoul?
Do you take Master Card? Hal taqbaloun al taamol bel master card?
Leave me alone
Etrokny wahdy
May I have a Bottle of Water Please
Hal yomken an aakhoz zogaget meyah?
Bureau De Change
: maktab el-sarf
Money: fuluss
I Would Like To Change Some Money: ayez asarraf fuluss
Change (Coins): fakka
Have You Any Change?: andokom fakka?
Price: el-taman
Where Can I Buy...?: fein mumken ashtari...?
How Much?: bekam?
How much does this cost? Bekam haza?
How Much Is This?: bi kam da
It's Too Expensive: ghali awi
A Little: shuaya
A Lot: keteer
That's Fine/Perfect: tamam
Baker: khabbaz
Grocer: baqqal
Butcher: gazzar
Butcher's house: Gezzara
: mahal
Photographer's: mesauaraty
Bookshop: maktaba
Newspaper: journaal
Book: kitab
Jeweler: sayegh


Gold: dahab
Silver: fadda
Iron: hadid
Bronze: bronz
Copper: nehas
Terracotta: fokhar
Silk: harir
Cotton: qotn
Synthetic: synthetic/polyester
Wool: souf
Glass: ezaz
Imitation: taqlead/taa-leed
Original: assli
Paper: waraq


White: abiad
Black: asuad
Red: ahmar
Green: akhdar
Blue: azrak
Yellow: asfar
Orange: burtuqali
Pink: wardi
Purple: banafsegy

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