Egyptian Exhibitions throughout the world from Egypt Month (Tour Egypt Monthly) - Glenbow Museum

Glenbow Museum


deTraci Regula

Glenbow Museum
130-9th Avenue South East
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2G 0P3

Tickets: 403-268-4109.
December 2nd, 2000 through March 11th, 2001
9am-5pm Saturday - Wednesday; 9am-9pm Thursday and Friday.
Two ticket pricings. Monday-Friday, adult tickets are $12, youth $6, seniors and students $9, family $37.50. Saturday and Sunday prices are adults $14, youth $7, seniors and students $10.50, family $43.75. Ticket prices include both Egyptian shows and general admission to the regular museum exhibits. Discounted member prices are available.

On-line Information: Egyptian Exhibits

Hosting a dual exhibit on Egypt, the Glenbow brings to Calgary in Western Canada both the slickly produced "Mysteries of Egypt" Imax film and associated exhibit, plus the more modestly-mounted but even more fascinating "Women of the Nile" exhibit which originated at the Rosicrucian Museum in San Jose, California.

I had the pleasure of seeing "Women of the Nile" when it was installed at its home museum. While the collection of objects presented was not large, each one was fascinating and well documented. Of particular interest is the statue recently identified by the British Museum as a scarce, in-the-round representation of Cleopatra VII, and an excellent statue of the lion-headed goddess Sekhmet, and many smaller objects used by women in their everyday lives. The catalog, "Women of the Nile", is also worthwhile as both a memento and a reference on the lives of Egyptian women.

The Glenbow has arranged a rich array of associated events and programs. The "Family Fun Saturdays" series offering children a chance to wrap themselves like mummies, learn Egyptian symbols, make Egyptian amulets and papyrus paper, an interactive workshop on Egyptian birds of prey, and other fun activities. Borrow a child if you don't have one and enjoy this program Saturdays 1pm-4pm. They also have made available an extensive Teacher's Guide for Ancient Egypt, downloadable in Adobe format, perfect for parents who want to lead some Egyptian-themed enrichment activities. The series assumes that the child has seen the "Mysteries of Egypt" film, but also offers many stand-alone activities and extra information.

For adults, there is the annual "Glenbow Exposed" gala evening fundraiser, promising to transport participants through "A Night on the Nile", while wearing a choice of cocktail attire or Egyptian-esque costuming. Sounds like a colorful evening, indeed.

On Saturday, February 10th, the prominent and popular Egyptologist Dr. Bob Brier will discuss mummies and magic. The lecture is just $12 for museum members, $15 for non-members. Follow this link to my review of the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum: San Jose.

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The Latest Fashions in Ancient Egypt By Ilene Springer
Editor's Commentary By Jimmy Dunn
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Kid's Corner By Margo Wayman
Cooking with Tour Egypt By Mary K Radnich
Cooking with Tour Egypt
Egyptian Exhibitions By deTraci Regula
Nightlife Various Editors
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Web Reviews By Siri Bezdicek

Prior Issues

July 1st, 2001

June 1st, 2001

May 1st, 2001

April 1st, 2001

March 1st, 2001

February 1st, 2001

January 1st, 2001

December 1st, 2000

October 1st, 2000

September 1st, 2000

August 1st, 2000

July 1st, 2000

June 1st, 2000

Master Index