Siri Bezdicek
Our first site to be discussed this month is titled Egyptian Royal Tombs of the New Kingdom . This page is very informative and interesting. One thing I really liked is that along with the large amount of information on the tombs, it offers nice layout drawings of them with descriptions of the different rooms. The drawings are large enough to really be able to see the different rooms well. There are also links at the bottom of the page to the other pages in this site, including an index of Egyptian history and chronology of the New Kingdom. This site is not very flashy as far as backgrounds and things go but the "blueprint" drawings of the tombs make it well worth the visit.
Would you like to travel to Egypt? If so, you should visit South Sinai Travel. This is a very attractive site offering information on travel to Egypt. It includes some sample itineraries and helpful information on traveling to Egypt such as visa requirements, medical requirements and information on Egyptian currency. South Sinai Travel also offers many pictures of Egypt to go along with the sample itineraries. The site itself is very well laid out and colorful, incorporating good graphics and background images without being cluttered.
Next is a site titled Aegyptiaca. This site is well organized and attractive. Even though it has several pages under construction, the pages that are complete are very good and needed to be mentioned. The site offers information on the Rosetta Stone, creation myths, Egyptian Hymns, and an extensive gods/goddesses list. There arent a large number of pictures, but the pages are still colorful and tastefully done, and contain good information.
The last site this month deals with a mummy that has been in the United States since the 1920s. The site is called The Mummy Project. This site is also very attractive and well laid out. The scientists and researchers that worked with this particular mummy did a lot of their research with the mummy in non-intrusive ways, such as cat scans; and some of these images (cat scans) are available on the site. Also available on this site is a picture of a sculpture of the mummies head showing what the mummy may have looked like when it was alive. The site provides insight on how scientists gather information from mummies of ancient times. The site itself is very organized and attractive and definitely worth a visit.
The Nile, the Moon and Sirius: The Ancient Egyptian Calendar By Richard Weininger
The Egyptian Traveler's Survival Kit By Jimmy Dunn
The Tomb of Nefertari By Paul Groffie
Palace of the Sun King By Dr. Joann Fletcher
The Ecological Context of Ancient Egyptian Predynastic settlements By Michael Brass
Tunnel Vision By Ralph Ellis & Mark Foster
The Queens of Egypt - Part II By Dr. Sameh Arab
Cross Staff and Plumbline and the Great Pyramid By Crichton E M Miller
Editor's Commentary By Jimmy Dunn
Ancient Beauty Secrets By Judith Illes
Book Reviews Various Editors
Kid's Corner By Margo Wayman
Cooking with Tour Egypt By Mary K Radnich
Hotel Reviews By Juergen Stryjak
Egyptian Exhibitions By deTraci Regula
Egyptian View-Point By Adel Murad
Nightlife Various Editors
Restaurant Reviews Various Editors
Shopping Around By Juergen Stryjak
Web Reviews By Siri Bezdicek
Prior Issues
Last Updated: June 9th, 2011