Egyptian Night Life Review - Kings Head Pub Luxor

Kings Head Pub Luxor

By Daniel Lanier

Kings Head Pub Luxor

It is hard to imagine that tourists come to Luxor to spend all night dancing and partying in discotheques and bars. They want to see the temples and tombs rather than listening and dancing to the latest tunes. Sightseeing tours to the West Bank/Theban monuments, Karnak and Luxor temples start early in the morning, very early, therefore most of the tourists apparently prefer to listen after sunset to the soft sound of their pillows rather than to any DJ somewhere in the warm Luxor night.

map of Kings Head Pub Luxor

But nightlife does exist; as most of the hotels and Nile cruise boats offer a wide range of entertaining events, from disco to belly dancing, from Pharaonic costume festivals to karaoke shows. If you dont want to sip your beer together with the tourist couple from the room or the cabin next to yours, those with whom you have already attended the potato dance competition last night, then you should head to places like the Kings Head Pub.

The only real English Pub in town, where you can meet interesting people from all over the world as well as locals, is open 24 hours per day, every day, throughout the whole year. The manager, Gomaa Abu Al-Fadl, has created a very authentic looking pub, with Billiards, Darts, wooden chairs and paneled walls, TV sets for live soccer broadcasts and lots of culinary specials, to intensify the pub atmosphere. For example, a so-called BangersnMash dish, sausages, mashed potatoes with fried onions and peas for LE 20 ($ 5) or the weekly Sunday Lunch of Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, which starts at 12:00 am and costs LE 20, too.

His guests, Gomaa says, come from the cruises boats as well as from the hotels and are mainly Dutch people and Englishmen, with only a few Germans, although he offers five German television channels and a German beer, Lwenbru for LE 13 ($ 3.30) per bottle. The atmosphere is relaxed and chatty with many of the clientele returning again and again as long as their cruise boat is docked in Luxor. They have the choice between 26 cocktails and long drinks, all of them, except one, for LE 12 ($ 3), among plenty of other beverages, aperitifs, spirits, cognac, liqueurs, soft drinks, juices, tea and coffee. To fight hunger, one simply chooses between Egyptian, Italian and Indian food, soups,mezze, as well as sandwiches and main course beef, fish or chicken dishes! And every Thursday, between 12 am to 3 pm (for lunch) and 7 pm to 10 pm (for dinner) the King Heads Pub offers a rich Indian buffet all you can eat for LE 25 ($ 6.30).

Kings Head Pub. 1, Khaled Ibn Al-Walid Street, Luxor. Telephone: (095) 37 12 49. Open 24 hours.

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