The first site this month is called Past Civilizations

Egypt Month Egypt web review editor Siri Bezdicek
Siri Bezdicek

The first site this month is called Past Civilizations. This site is fairly attractive and it is well organized. Past Civilizations doesnt offer a huge variety of information; however it offers many pictures and the section that I am quite fond of, the article section. There are many, many articles listed with such titles as Tombs from the Dawn of History, Egyptian Wigs and Hairpieces, and Chariot Making. This site is tastefully done and incorporates pictures with good and interesting information. The only thing I wish were different would be that I wish the site used the full screen instead of just the band in the middle. Despite that this is a good site and is worth a visit.

Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple is the next site to be discussed this month. This is a well put together site. There is a very wide variety of information as well as pictures offered on this site. The pictures and images on this site are very good, and there is one that impressed me quite a bit. Under the heading Culture and Daily Life, there is another topic listed titled An Ancient Noblemans Villa. On this page there is a wonderful illustration of a noblemans villa with the roof gone so you can see in. Other topics range from Egyptian Medicine to Music and Dance and to Literature and Wisdom Texts. This site is organized well with a menu on the left side and the information presented is easy to read. The only problem I have is that some of the pages are not working. There are however very many still up and running and they are worth a look.

Ancient Egyptian Pottery is the last site this month. This is an attractive site about, of course, Egyptian pottery. It provides information such as history, types of Egyptian pottery and artwork of Egyptian pottery. There are a few nice illustrations along with the text on this site. This site is organized and very easy to read; both in the sense that it has a nice background color and large, easy to read print, and in the sense that the information is worded well and is easy to understand. There is a menu on the left hand side and also at the bottom of each page which makes it very easy to get around the site.

The Mysteries of Qurna By Sonny Stengle

Traveling by Train in Egypt By Dr. Susan Wilson & Medhat A-Monem

The Charm of the Amulet By Anita Stratos

Egyptian Rock-Art Unveiled By Arnvid Aakre

Great Hair Days in Ancient Egypt By Ilene Springer

Touring With the Young, and Not-So-Young By Jimmy Dunn

A Tour in Egypt's Mohammed Ali's Mosque By Muhammad Hegab

Ancient Egyptian Agriculture By Catherine C. Harris

Why I Keep Going Back, and This is No 'Fish Story'! By Duncan McLean

Off the Beaten Path in the Sinai By Jimmy Dunn

Editor's Commentary By Jimmy Dunn

Ancient Beauty Secrets By Judith Illes

Book Reviews Various Editors

Hotel Reviews By Jimmy Dunn & Juergen Stryjak

Kid's Corner By Margo Wayman

Cooking with Tour EgyptBy Mary K Radnich

The Month in Review By John Applegate

Egyptian ExhibitionsBy Staff

Egyptian View-Point By Adel Murad

Nightlife Various Editors

Egypt On Screen By Carolyn Patricia Scott

Restaurant Reviews Various Editors

Shopping Around By Juergen Stryjak

Web Reviews By Siri Bezdicek

Prior Issues

June 1st, 2001

May 1st, 2001

April 1st, 2001

March 1st, 2001

February 1st, 2001

January 1st, 2001

December 1st, 2000

October 1st, 2000

September 1st, 2000

August 1st, 2000

July 1st, 2000

June 1st, 2000

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